~ making the Jean Golding Institute go analogue ~
“The Jean Golding Institute is a central hub for data science and data-intensive research at the University of Bristol. We connect a multidisciplinary community of experts across the University and beyond.”
However, we are but humble makers.
How to make data management and research on risk and decision making interesting and fun for the public? Simply offer an analogue alternative.
Ellie Shipman creates a glorious design, which she asks me to make.
I do my best to bring it to life.
‘The Decision Machine’ is an interactive installation as the result of an artist residency by Ellie Shipman with Jean Golding Institute at the University of Bristol from June 2021 - February 2022, her work can be found here.
As for my part…
Always nice to get back to making chunky mechanism parts - lovely ratchet here.
A copper immersion coil was used to make the main body of the tubing, the rest bent to make new paths.
Essentially a ball run, the main brain was a pin-ball style randomizer, although it favours no to yes 3:2.